Hi , my name is
Eren Deveci. I build applications for the web.
I am a web developer with 1+ years of experience in React . I have a strong foundation in frond-end & back-end development an am skilled in creating user-friendly and responsive web applications using React and its ecosystem.
About Me
Hello! My name is Eren Deveci and I enjoy creating things that live on the internet.
My interest in web development started back in 2017 when I decided to try make an php web application --turns out taught me a lot about HTML & CSS!
Here are a few technologies I have been working with recently:
- JavaScript
- React
- TypeScript
- MongoDB
- Next.js
- Node.js
- Express.js
- Tailwindcss

Some Things I have built

Featured Project
Twitter Full-Stack NextJs Clone
Twitter is a social media platform where users share short text-based messages, known as 'tweets,' with a 280-character limit. Users can express their thoughts, share news, links,images, and videos, while also engaging with others by responding, retweeting, or liking posts.
- NextJS
- Figma
- Prisma
- Vercel Deployment
Other NoteWorthy Projects
view the archive
How to deploy react application on the firebase ?
We are making our React applications, but we can only view them on our own computer. How can we publish it publicly ?
- ReactJS
- Firebase
React | Redux-Toolkit AsyncThunk ile Api Kullanımı
Redux-Toolkit ile API(Application Programming Interface) işlemleri Async(Asenkron) bir şekilde nasıl yapılır inceleyelim
- ReactJS
- Redux
- Async
What's Next?
Get In Touch
Whether you have a question or just want to say hi , I'll try my best to get back to you!